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Test Your Knowledge: Part 5 of 5

Continue with Part 5 of Our Quiz Below

Continue our 5-Part Healthy Relationships Quiz, and test your knowledge of healthy relationship behavior. Pass all 5 parts with a perfect score and you’ll get a certificate of achievement!

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Healthy Relationships Quiz, Part 5

Congratulations on Passing Part 4 of the Quiz!


You can now take Part 5 of our 5-Part Healthy Relationships Quiz,
and continue to test your knowledge of healthy relationship behavior.


Pass all 5 parts with a perfect score and you’ll get a certificate of achievement
as a Health Relationships and Teen Dating Violence Advocate!


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1) Giving consent requires both individuals to be willing, enthusiastic, and capable participants in all acts done between both, or all participants involved. Each scenario will ask to choose whether consent was given or not.

Sara and Jon have met each other before through a mutual friend, and lately have been spending more time together alone. One day they are watching movies at Jon’s house, and while sitting on the couch Jon places his arm around Sarah’s shoulder. Sarah doesn’t mind it, and she wanted to sit a bit closer to him, so she moves closer to him. Jon then looks at Sarah and leans in to kiss her, Sarah feels uncomfortable and moves back. Jon notices her become uncomfortable and apologizes for trying to kiss her and asks if she would like some space and for him to move his arm. Sarah expresses that she liked his arm around her but does not want to kiss him. Jon keeps his arm around her shoulder, and they finish watching movies together. Was consent shown in this scenario?

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2) Giving consent requires both individuals to be willing, enthusiastic, and capable participants in all acts done between both, or all participants involved. Each scenario will ask to choose whether consent was given or not.

Lex and Frankie have been friends for some time and are going to a party on their campus one night. Lex has had a crush on Frankie but hasn’t told them yet. Both Frankie and Lex have been drinking and were starting to have fun and dancing with each other. While they are dancing, Lex begins to feel on Frankie’s chest and lower body making Frankie uncomfortable. Frankie doesn’t say anything but tries to move Lex’s hand. Lex ignores Frankie’s discomfort and continues touching Frankie. Was consent shown in this scenario?

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3) Giving consent requires both individuals to be willing, enthusiastic, and capable participants in all acts done between both, or all participants involved. Each scenario will ask to choose whether consent was given or not.

Joshua and Tyler have been dating for a few months and next week is their six-month anniversary. Jake has expressed to Tyler that he isn’t ready to have sex yet but has expressed being comfortable with other forms of intimacy like kissing, holding hands, and cuddling. Tyler tells Jake that he wants to make their relationship official and have sex on their anniversary, but Jake is still unsure if he’s wants to have sex. Tyler gets annoyed and angry by Jake’s response and tells him that if he really loved him, he would have sex with him on their anniversary, and if not, they wouldn’t be able to continue their relationship. Scared to lose his first boyfriend, Jake reluctantly agrees to have sex on their anniversary. Was consent shown in this scenario?

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The average score is 86%
