New Podcast Episodes Looking for Peer Leaders


Boston, MA


Abuse Hotline: (877) 785-2020

Test Your Knowledge

Healthy Relationships Quiz

Start Strong is an internationally recognized high school peer leadership program that aims to prevent teen dating violence and promote healthy relationships. We use a trauma-informed, positive youth development framework to start conversations on systems of oppression, intersectionality, and prevention / promotion work primarily using a media literacy lens. 

Take the Healthy Relationships Quiz below to test your knowledge, and get a Certificate of Achievement with a perfect score!

Imagine a world where we all were able to do whatever we wanted without the fear of being judged.


Peer Leader
Our work is evaluated based on knowledge, attitude, and behavior change

Theory of Planned Behavior

We have the strongest results with our Peer Leaders, as they are fully immersed in our programming and receive the highest dosage of content. Research shows statistically significant growth in knowledge, attitude, and behavior shifts among Peer Leaders. 

Since 2008, we have trained 100 Peer Leaders from across Boston’s diverse neighborhoods. Peer Leaders have come from private, public, METCO, and charter schools. On average, Peer Leaders entered the Start Strong program in the 10th grade and 93% of Start Strong Peer Leaders went on to graduate from high school.


Peer Leaders


Training Sessions



Study for the Quiz

Start Strong Tools

Healthy Relationships Quiz

Sound Nutritional Label

True View Tool

Healthy Relationships Quiz

Each relationship is unique, but all healthy relationships have a few things in common. In a healthy relationship there should be trust, support, respect, equality, and it should be fun.

Take the quiz and explore healthy characteristics within your relationship!


Sound Nutrition Label

Music, like food, can feed our brains and give us energy. But, it can also be filled with ingredients that can affect us negatively. Some music may even have an influence on our health and the health of our relationships. This tool will help you evaluate the “nutritional” value of the music you might listen to. We want you to put on your headphones, turn up the volume, and become a song lyrics nutritionist.


True View Tool

The visual media that we watch affects us. These include shows, movies, music videos, and even YouTube videos. Since visual media can have an influence on our health and the health of our relationships, it is especially important be a critical viewer.

Test Your Knowledge

Ace Our 5-Part Quiz and Get a Certificate

Take our 5-Part Healthy Relationships Quiz, and test your knowledge of healthy relationship behavior. 
Pass all 5 parts with a perfect score and you’ll get a certificate of achievement!


Healthy Relationships Quiz, Part 1

Take our 5-Part Healthy Relationships Quiz, and test your knowledge of healthy relationship behavior.


Pass all 5 parts with a perfect score and you’ll get a certificate of achievement
as a Health Relationships and Teen Dating Violence Advocate!


1 / 5

1) Threatening your partner, name calling, ridiculing/mocking, being demanding, being dismissive of their partners thoughts and opinions, telling their partner that what they say is “stupid” or “unimportant” is what type of behavior?

2 / 5

2) Hitting, shoving, putting you in situations that will knowingly cause you harm is what type of behavior?

3 / 5

3) Rape, sexual harassment, sexual assault, drug-facilitated sexual assault, poking holes in the condom is what type of behavior?

4 / 5

4) Breaking someone’s property, controlling their how they spend their money is what type of behavior?

5 / 5

5) Putting down your partner in private and in front of others, gaslighting them, manipulating them, the silent treatment is what type of behavior?

Your score is

The average score is 58%
